Leadership Development
& Team Coaching

Build a sought-after workplace culture

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Are you yearning for team harmony? Wishing your employees could just “get on with the job”?

Managing people is hard at the best of times. But when you throw in staff turnover, absenteeism, burnout and team conflict, it becomes exponentially more challenging.

This is what we call a THREAT STATE. It hits your workplace culture hard and hurts your bottom line even more.

Imagine instead—a REWARD STATE, where your employees turn up to work everyday with a positive mindset, energised and ready to focus on working in a harmonious and collaborative manner.

At Dare to Care we help develop this type of sought-after workplace culture through innovative and cutting-edge EQ training programs.

Meet Your Leadership Development Experts
Susan | Ros | Tania | Phoebe

With a combined 60 years in HR, Training & Development, we know the challenge of trying to manage workplace dynamics while also trying to hit business targets.

We understand what it’s like to be willing—and wanting—to invest in your people but not knowing what you should do about it.

At Dare to Care, we work with you to enhance the emotional intelligence and wellbeing of your people, providing you with the strategies and tools needed to develop you and your leaders, inspire team performance and deliver a great workplace culture.

More About Us

Emotional Intelligence + Wellbeing = Great Workplace Culture

Here’s how it works.

Emotional Intelligence

When we enhance EQ, we develop awareness of the influence of moods and behaviours, we become more adaptable and proactive, are able to lean into difficult conversations and build resilience.


When we improve mental, physical, social and environmental wellbeing, we lower levels of stress, reduce workplace conflict and develop higher levels of productivity and employee engagement.

Workplace Culture

Employees that are emotionally aware and feel cared for display lower levels of absenteeism, greater engagement and higher levels of productivity, leading to better culture and business results.

You can positively influence your workplace culture by enhancing emotional intelligence and wellbeing.

Here’s how we’ll help you do it.

1. Identify Your Need

We’ll determine the areas your business wants to improve, and recommend appropriate training uniquely targeted to strengthen individuals, teams and your organisation as a whole.

2. Learn With Us

Once we’ve determined the offerings that are the right fit for your people, we’ll ensure the effective facilitation of all learning opportunities so you begin to see a worthwhile return on the investment in your team.

3. Witness Culture Growth

With your teams inspired and engaged, you’ll start to experience the workplace culture you’d hoped for. The strengthened team dynamics will improve overall productivity as well as your profitability.

We’ll find the mode of delivery that is right for you.

Live Training

We’ll meet you in-person or via
Zoom to deliver training.

Self Paced

Work through online programs
at your own pace.


Let us develop a learning
solution to suit your needs.

From our valued clients

Who we work with

Here’s what success can look like for your business

More considered
decision making
Leaning in to difficult
Enhanced buy-in for
decisions made
Reduced turnover and
Engaged and Empowered
individuals and teams
Genuine, trusted
working relationships

Emotional Intelligence is the difference that makes the difference.

Sign up to receive our Six Steps to Build a Great Workplace Culture in Your Business

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